It’s been quite awhile since posting a blog entry. It’s not that I haven’t been thinking of this blog’s readers. Nor has it been for lack of inspiration or motivation. It’s the familiar refrain (you’ve heard this before, haven’t you?)…I’ve been very busy. Some of the busy-ness has involved all the exciting goings-on with YogAutism (formerly Spectrum Yoga Therapy). Late last summer, Madison Magazine wrote a flattering article about our work with people on the autism spectrum . Since then, it’s been a whirlwind of activity for our supervisors, board of directors and volunteers! Shortly after the New Year, YogAutism partnered with the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds to begin a groundbreaking inquiry into the efficacy of our simple, low-cost interventions. Through non-invasive measurements that indicate the state of the nervous system, researchers can gauge whether someone is tending toward relaxation, or getting pumped up into the Fight/Flight/Freeze response. ...