Time to shift focus.

During any given pandemic, I would have predicted that there would have been more time to write blog postings. Now that we are well into our first pandemic, I guess it’s time to recalibrate expectations for intra-pandemic productivity! In this time of ongoing change, I’ve been meaning to check in for quite awhile. Over the past four years, I’ve shared some of my experiences as a non-traditional graduate student. The return to school was exactly what the doctor ordered in terms of mental stimulation, exposure to eustress (and just enough distress!), and an opportunity to develop new skills. Over the past few years, I’ve consistently described my return to school as among the best decisions that I’ve ever made. At the same time, the return to school hasn’t been entirely sustainable. Napoleon Dynamite knows the importance of developing a repertoire of skills. The long hours spent studying made me less avail...