Microbiota Reset Diet - Three Month Check-in

Collette and I initially planned to eat this way for one month, and then settle back into an improved version of our standard-usual. But after enjoying improved sleep, clearer minds and younger-looking skin, we decided to extend our experiment through the Summer. The Microbiota Reset Diet is really pretty simple - eat food. Food like our ancestors ate, not the extruded, manufactured, strip-mined calories that dominate the Standard American Diet (SAD). We continue embracing the five points we outlined back in April, with one adjustment. Increase consumption of live-culture fermented foods Increase fiber consumption (> 60g of fiber per day) Eliminate all processed food ( all – even plant-based milks and oils) Eliminate all sugar Replace coffee with tea (> 70% reduction in caffeine intake) Eliminate all caffeine Collette led the way. A few weeks into our reset, she observed that the modest amount of green tea she consumed was accompanied by agitated mind-sta...