The Results of Your Practice
In my last posting, I mentioned that there is a difference between relaxation and depletion. At first glance, it can be difficult to gauge but with practice, the difference between relaxation and depletion becomes clearly apparent. The first step in gauging the difference between depletion and relaxation is to shift the observational time-scale from the immediate to many hours later. My old yoga teacher, Roger, was the one who taught me the importance of gauging the effect of a yoga pose (or practice) by observing mind and body many hours after the practice. When I first began studying yoga with Roger, I used to love a practice where I'd drop back into Urdhva Dhanurasana and then come back up to standing... 108 times. ( ) When doing this practice, my mind felt clear and fresh, and coming out of this practice I felt like one billion bucks (inflation... one million isn't what it used to be). Roger, in his not-so-subtle way, suggested tha