When causes and conditions come together, a result is sure to follow

"When causes and conditions come together, a result is sure to follow" is a line from one of my favorite meditation practices. This line from the Nectar of the Path, composed by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, reminds me that all outcomes are the result of many factors, of which many are unseen or unrecognized. Ph.Done. Having recently completed a PhD, I've appreciated receiving so many congratulatory messages from friends, family, colleagues, collaborators, students, mentors and so on. It was a long road (7-years), with many twists and turns. Earning this degree took an almost incalculable number of hours, and certainly added more than a few gray hairs to my pate. However, my own hard work and sacrifice were merely the seed that was planted in the soil of conditions. Thankfully, the soil proved to be sufficiently fertile as to support the germination and sprouting of this doctoral vine. The following text is from the introduction to my doctoral dissertation. While I do not alwa...