Streaming Classes: Our response to the COVID-19 crisis

Like virtually all studios, I curtailed all in-person classes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this was an obvious choice, the next question was what next ? We decided to try an experiment so many other teachers and studios are also attempting - to move classes online. This took a considerable amount of work, but we knew if we were going to do it, we needed to do it well. Blue Mounds Movement Lab conversion In just a few days, the Blue Mounds Movement Lab has been 100% converted to a video studio. We've leveraged all the video and audio equipment that we accumulated over years - as well as our 10+ year old YouTube channel and new 1GBps internet connection - to offer some of the highest quality online yoga classes available. These free classes are focused on de-stressing and coming together. While we may be physically distancing from each other, we can still come together temporally by practicing together. These classes are not intended to be a yoga-workout, a...