Truth in Advertising

I am a slow runner. When I say this, people often try to reframe this statement with various qualifiers; You're not slow for your age. You are holding yourself to too high a standard. You're faster than I am! I will take the compliments that are probably embedded within these (and other) statements, though in the interest of honesty and full-disclosure, I stand by my first statement - I am a slow runner. I'm bringing this up now, because I recently registered for my first marathon. Over the next six months, I will share photos and blog postings related to training for the Driftless 50 marathon. In the process, I don't want to nurture any mythologies surrounding my running prowess. I am a (very) slow runner. Watching me run is like watching a slow-motion video. While many people are hoping to compete at 8-minute/mile pace, I'm ramping up my training so that I can run this marathon at approximately twice that pace. Seriously - I am shooting to run 13-15 ...