Human Flourishing

This afternoon my wife asked if I needed anything for the forthcoming school year. After my obligatory response of a pencil sharpener and a Batman lunch box , I responded in the negative. I have enough stuff, and I am eager to start my 3rd year of graduate school independent of the contents of any back-to-school sales. In many respects, I'm more enthused for the start of this forthcoming academic year than I have been for any prior year. In no small measure, my enthusiasm for the forthcoming school year is related to the course that I am assistant teaching this Fall. The Wisconsin Idea is alive and well! The invitation to join The Art and Science of Human Flourishing teaching team was an honor, and I immediately jumped at the opportunity to be a part of this innovative initiative. I'm a bit wistful that such a course wasn't offered when I was an undergraduate at The University of Minnesota, though I'm happy to pay forward whatever I may have learned from an a...