More Protein Isn’t Necessarily Better For You

More isn’t always better. Sometimes more is less and often less is more. In the case of protein, it seems as though there are many voices advocating for more, more, more. I find this deeply puzzling and concerning. To my knowledge, there are not any nutrients that continue conferring benefit beyond a certain threshold. Whether it’s excessive consumption of water (hyponatremia), some nutrients (vitamin toxicity) or sleeping too much (hypersomnia), anything that’s beneficial can ultimately inflect to become harmful. Protein is no exception. As I covered in a prior posting , active people who are working to build muscle thrive on about 1-gram of protein per kilogram of body mass. When people do the arithmetic (1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds), the majority find that they’re consuming significantly more protein than their body has any use for. And many people thrive with far less than 1-gram of protein per kilogram of body mass! This lunch supplied about 1/3 of my daily protein needs More isn’t al...