The Countdown
In just over one week I'll be a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin. After a 20+ year hiatus, my return to school is imminent. This past week's meetings and orientation events have alternately been exciting and scary. I find it exciting to be surrounded by other people that are eager to deepen their knowledge and to expand the horizons of the known. And I find it scary to be immersed in a culture that's so amazingly smart, creative and driven. While I know I possess aspects of smart, creative and driven, uncertainty and self-doubt have crept in between the cracks. Rather than reciting affirmations, I've been trying to lean into the roller-coaster of feelings. (Sometimes with aplomb, and other times even trying to be present with my feelings brings up further feelings of doubt!) Despite riding this internal roller coaster, I can hardly wait to be challenged intellectually and creatively in the coming years. Among the many horizons that will likely expa