Living in Interesting Times

It seems like every day we’re greeted with more alarming news. People are losing their jobs, fuel prices are high, foreclosures are accelerating and the politicians continue to fling mud. In the past few months, people have arrived to yoga classes noticeably more stressed than usual. While Election Day promises to release some of this stress build-up, it seems other stressors will continue building for the foreseeable future. Short of going mad, what’s a Yogini to do? The Yogic tradition gives us many tools to handle each and every thing that comes along. Yoga is a rich and powerful tool in helping us recognize that most events are out of our control, though our reaction to events is within our control. In these demanding times, I’d like to share my personal strategies for maintaining equanimity, or a peace of mind and abiding calmness. Cut back on the barrage of information . While a healthy democracy is based on an informed electorate, many of us have become news junkies. Like most ...