Thirty Years of Teaching Yoga

Sometime last month marked my 30th year of teaching Yoga. While I cannot remember the first day that I taught Yoga in the Spring of 1989, I clearly remember the life milestones that concurred with that then-new beginning. Those milestones occurred sometime in the month of April, and since then I've considered April, 1989 as the beginning of this significant chapter of my life. For most of those years, I taught Yoga as my full-time profession. During many of those years, I was delighted with my choice to follow my passion for Yoga, though some of those years were filled with feelings of doubt. The arc of my Yoga teaching and practice has evolved over the years, more or less following a U-shaped curve. In the beginning of my teaching and practice, I was young and in love with Yoga. As I descended into midlife, my faith in the hagiographic portrayals of Yoga and its lore wore thin. Now that I'm rounding the bend to the age when many of my friends are retiring, I have had a rena...