Caring for “higher mileage bodies”

Well into middle-age, I harbored the misguided belief that well-engineered cars could last indefinitely. Toiling under the influence of this delusion, I poured untold tens of thousands of dollars into various old European cars. Thankfully I got past this misconception, and came to appreciate that entropy is an equal opportunity law of Physics, and that higher mileage cars simply take more upkeep than newer cars do. As with cars, so too with the human body. I once drove a Saab 9000, and it took an astounding sum of money to keep it running, particularly as it aged. Overall I’ve taken pretty good care of the body that I inhabit. Certain excesses and impulses aside, I’ve eaten well, stayed active and worked deliberately with my mind. And so far the preliminary results have been encouraging - I enjoy mental and physical health, and the freedom to run, bike and ski not dissimilarly to my youth. This being said, aging (entropy) is very real, and I find that this older body takes more upkeep ...