Sometimes Joint Replacement is the Best Option

With the recent diagnosis of severe osteoarthritis in my right knee, I’m deploying regular Pilates practice, keeping my weight down and reducing inflammation as among the “levers” that I can pull to extract every last bit of mileage out of the original equipment. I hope to postpone replacing this knee for as long as possible. Knee replacement outcomes have improved over the past 10+ years Surgeries of all types are invasive. At minimum, recovering from anesthesia, particularly general anesthesia, often takes longer than expected. And then there’s the recovery from the surgery, itself, which depending on the location and type, can take weeks to months. I consider surgery a last-resort treatment for the vast majority of conditions. That being said, I will have my R-knee replaced at the appropriate time. The “appropriate time” varies from person to person. In my studio teaching, clients often ask my opinion about whether or not to pursue joint replacement. While there’s no objectively “ri...