Pilates to Relieve Knee Pain

When I practice Pilates 3+ days per week, my knees do not hurt. With less frequent Pilates practice, my right knee reminds me of all the wear and tear that’s shown in both the X-rays and MRI. Over the course of the past decade or so, this pattern has remained true, and I have come to rely upon Pilates as one of the three tools I use to manage what orthopedists consider a worn-out joint. When many people think of Pilates, they tend to mention “core strength” or how Pilates helps loosen up stiff joints. While a strong core and supple spine are definitely among the benefits arising from a Pilates practice, I have come to believe that the Pilates secret sauce is how it benefits postural alignment. The first step in improving alignment is to connect lower-ribs with the abdomen. In an era of staring at handheld screens, sitting in cars and working at computers, most of us developed a head-forward habitus. Perhaps you’ve experienced the tight neck and shoulders that often accompany hea...