Research Direction
Early in 2015 I began presenting classes and
seminars on joint laxity. Having taught Yoga for 27+ years, I found that many
yoga practitioners seem to have some degree joint laxity.
While many yoga enthusiasts experience their bodies
as being tight, in actuality many yoga practitioners seem to have loose
joints beneath their tight muscles. My experience is that the trait of joint
laxity occurs commonly in the yoga world.
JHS is an acronym for Joint Hypermobility Syndrome,
and emerging research is suggesting at JHS may not solely be experienced in the
joints of the body.
The following statement is excerpted
from Mind-Body Interactions in Anxiety and Somatic Symptoms by
Mallorqui-Bague, et al. I have read this paper with a great deal of interest,
and continue to explore the many studies that were cited in this paper.
Importantly, JHS is overrepresented among people
with anxiety—especially among the so-called endogenous anxiety disorders
(panic, agoraphobic, and social phobia)—and it is also overrepresented in
stress-sensitive illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, temporo- mandibular joint
disorder, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Exactly how anxiety and JHS are
linked remains unclear. Healthy, nonclinically anxious individuals with JHS
were shown in a relatively small study to manifest structural differences in
emotion-processing brain regions—in particular, larger amygdala volume
bilaterally compared to participants without hypermobility.
It's an open question as to where I focus my forthcoming research,
though I feel a certain excitement flow through my being when I read articles
related to JHS. Stay tuned for updates - according to a dear friend and
academic inspiration, I really should have a research focus in place by
Thanksgiving of my first year in grad school!